About me…

Hi, I’m Eva. Mother of two, ESL secondary school teacher in Spain since 2007, with previous experience working with adults and little kids, both in Spain and the UK.

I’m passionate about many different topics, but mainly about learning as much as I possibly can. This thirst, together with my passion for music, were my main reasons to learn English myself. I try to instill my passion for learning in my sons, my students and anyone who is willing to spread it with me. I started this blog in 2020, during the COVID19 crisis, in order to share my ideas and resources with fellow teachers and my dear students in the hope of contributing to take English as a second or foreign language outside the classroom.

I have always liked using technology as a teaching resource. I’m not specially fond of some of the downfalls technology has brought to us, but I really believe it’s a powerful tool that can be exploited in our favour. In the COVID19 crisis it has proved to be a lifesaver, as well as only a complement -never a substitute- to a human teacher.

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